Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Good intellectual fun . . .

They say there are two types of personality where drive is concerned. You have your type "A" personalities -- constantly on the go, motivated, driven, stressed out, workaholic. Then your type "B" -- slower, methodical. One the hare; one the tortoise.

I find myself in another category I like to refer to as type "C". (This is probably a sub-category of type "B" but who knows.) The point is that . . . I really like irritating the over-the-top type A's. I don't know why, but it gives me some deep internal, possibly instinctual, satisfaction.

Example:  I'm in line at the post office. Behind me, I notice a winded, jittery dude in a cheap power-suit holding a Starbuck's Venti, shifting from foot to foot, looking at his watch every ten seconds or so and (typical) blowing frustrated sighs onto the back of my head. All this I actively ignore.

So when I get one away from the front of the line and the guy in front of me steps up to the window for service, instead of moving forward to take his empty spot, I stand there. From somewhere within, perhaps even at the DNA level (but probably a product of our Western culture -- ask a sociologist).  I sense an unwritten social agreement that dictates I should move to fill in that space, but I resist and observe the reaction of Mr. A behind me, almost always amusing, but occasionally scary (I wouldn't recommend this on say, someone who looks like Dwayne Johnson akaThe Rock.)

. . . sometimes you can even get their heads to explode like in that old movie Scanners. Psychology can be such fun!

Try it sometime. You'll see what I'm talking about.

P.S. The title of today's blog was purloined from my college speech teacher, Mr. Smith. He would expound the virtues of memorizing historical documents (such as the Declaration of Independence, the preamble to the Constitution, etc.) and call them, "Good intellectual fun." A virtue lost on us college students. Well, me at least.


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